❥Poetry · 01. August 2018
2 empty hearts can't fulfill each other but give each other migraines 2 half full hearts can't fulfill each other only drain energy by switching lanes while 2 full hearts can stimulate everyone and themselves in growing more Love muscle gains
A beast is still a beast, whether it roars, fights, purrs, screams, moans, loves, cries, bleeds, looses, wins.....showing your true feelings doesn’t make you less of a wo/man. It’s what makes you more of a r e a l wo/man. Feeling our feelings is so important because that is what life is made of: feelings. When we open up our hearts to LIFE we open them up to LOVE as well. Who cares if you catch feelings? Catching feelings is great because it means you catch L O V E as well and your ability...
"what you really wanted to do
but never did
stays forever nagging in you while what you did
even if the decision wasn't the right fit
expands your pineal gland's wit"
Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
Love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.