❥Poetry  · 01. August 2018
2 empty hearts can't fulfill each other but give each other migraines 2 half full hearts can't fulfill each other only drain energy by switching lanes while 2 full hearts can stimulate everyone and themselves in growing more Love muscle gains
❥Relationships · 30. June 2018
Feeling jealous sucks. No matter what and who it is you feel it about, it just sucks. Especially when you suddenly find yourself overthinking with scenarios that might actually NEVER happen because you just made them up. Jealousy made them up. And now you feel all sort of angry, frustrated, pissed, sad and mad at yourself and life or someone. But how to get out of there? And moreover how to catch yourself before you start tripping like that? First of all, jealousy is actually our friend. It's...
❥Soul's Purpose · 17. June 2018
What does it mean when you dream of an animal? It is no secret that our dreams are essential when it comes to our heart's desires, even our soul's purpose. Ancient tribes in Native America used to believe that these animals have even a sort of guardian angel purpose. Context is of course really important. What does the animal d o? and most important how do you f e e l? So when you dream of a..........it means..... leopard: mostly seeing a leopard is a good omen. It means that you resemble a...
❥Poetry  · 11. June 2018
❥Beauty · 26. May 2018
Belly Cramps - as women, we experience them every month - but we can make those cramps go away and turn into Love, just through drinking the right kind of stuff. Here are some examples: ♡ water. plenty of it. with bubbles or not is your choice. if you add your favourite fruits, even better. your womb, your belly looooves fruits. ♡ herbal tea, any kind you like. avoid drinking teas that contain caffeine. caffeine is known to enforce belly cramps. if cannabis is legal in your country, you...
❥Poetry  · 10. May 2018
A beast is still a beast, whether it roars, fights, purrs, screams, moans, loves, cries, bleeds, looses, wins.....showing your true feelings doesn’t make you less of a wo/man. It’s what makes you more of a r e a l wo/man. Feeling our feelings is so important because that is what life is made of: feelings. When we open up our hearts to LIFE we open them up to LOVE as well. Who cares if you catch feelings? Catching feelings is great because it means you catch L O V E as well and your ability...
❥Beauty · 04. May 2018
Applying raw organic shea butter on the face as a mask or cream is supposed to be really healthy for the skin: but does it really work? I have been using it for 3 weeks every night as a moisturiser overnight. You have to melt the butter in your hand by gently rubbing it in your palms before you can apply it. Your face will glow and definitely look "buttery" but in the morning you'll wake up with babybootysmooth skin plus it provides vitamins for your skin keeping it young and preventing...
❥Relationships · 18. April 2018
Telepathy- that's where those moments come from when we spend time with someone and one says something and it is the exact.same.thing you were thinking about or wanted to say. You don't even have to be in the same room or physically close. How often does it happen that we think of someone and the phone rings just in that moment and we know it's them before we even look at the number? Or that we literally get a message on our phone from them?
❥Poetry  · 11. April 2018
"what you really wanted to do but never did stays forever nagging in you while what you did even if the decision wasn't the right fit expands your pineal gland's wit"
❥Beauty · 09. April 2018
If you are looking for some extra kick to moisture up your skin care routine, this might be for you.

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