
#13 Turning Jealousy into Succsess

Feeling jealous sucks. No matter what and who it is you feel it about, it just sucks. Especially when you suddenly find yourself overthinking with scenarios that might actually NEVER happen because you just made them up. Jealousy made them up. And now you feel all sort of angry, frustrated, pissed, sad and mad at yourself and life or someone. But how to get out of there? And moreover how to catch yourself before you start tripping like that?


First of all, jealousy is actually our friend. It's your ally. And before you start thinking what the fuuuuuck......here is why.


Find out where the jealousy is coming from and why you suddenly felt it. What and who was it that triggered it? 


Then ask yourself:

1. What does it, he or she have what I think I don't have?

2. Do I want to have it/ what he or she has?

3. If yes: What could I do now, today that could help me in getting what it, he or she has?

4. If not: if it gives you a negative vibe, let it drop. 


Jealousy lets you know that you know deep down that you have undeveloped potential in you. And yes, even if you feel jealous when it comes to your man or woman that he or she might find someone more attractive than you and cheats or leaves. First things first: if someone loves you and is really meant to be in your life and meant to be your woman or man, they will do their best to give you less to zero reasons to feel jealous. Keep in mind that if someone is with you, they made an active decision to choose you. Because they are attracted to the whole package which is you, not just your looks, the whole damn body mind and soul package. If you feel afraid that someone with a better body might steal your man or woman maybe you have been neglecting your health, working out and taking care of yourself? Don't you feel that feeling like that indicates that you need to look within yourself and see if you need some more Love from yourself, life or your man or woman maybe? 


Everyone feels jealous from time to time and to waste this precious energy on overthinking or negative vibes would be a shame. We can take the fuel of this energy and use it to get shit done in our lives. If you work out in the gym or whatever sport you like you'll notice how this energy turns into fire and afterwards you'll feel much better and calmer. Or you paint it out, sing it out, write it out....whatever you do, just do something with it and use it. Maybe, but less likely because the energy is so fiery, meditation and praying can help as well and to look within and see what bubbles up. It's no secret that the masterpieces in music, art and literature were created by a jealous artist and touched many. Who knows. maybe the next time you feel jealous you create something or your team wins because of you transforming this energy into something better which ends up being your own unique masterpiece and that breakthrough you have been working on for so long in your career....