
#10 Bye Bye Belly Cramps Drinks

Belly Cramps - as women, we experience them every month - but we can make those cramps go away and turn into Love, just through drinking the right kind of stuff. 

Here are some examples:


♡ water. plenty of it. with bubbles or not is your choice. if you add your favourite fruits, even better. your womb, your belly looooves fruits. 


♡ herbal tea, any kind you like. avoid drinking teas that contain caffeine. caffeine is known to enforce belly cramps. if cannabis is legal in your country, you might want to use it and make a tea out of it. it will soothe your cramps and make the pain go away. 


♡ fruit & vegetables smoothies are perfeeeeect for turning belly cramps into Love. With all the vitamins and minerals you feed your belly, what the cramps gonna do? Go away. Going elsewhere and turning into sweet Looove. 


I share maaaany more insights with you on how to make belly cramps go away in my new book : Bye Bye Belly Cramps: how to turn menstral cramps into Love. You'll find the link to order it.....