
#7 Telepathy

First of all: Telepathy is a real thing

According to Wikipedia Telepathy is "the purported transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction."


Telepathy comes from the greek word tele (distant) and pathos (feeling, passion). There have been many tests to prove if telepathy works for example with NASA astronauts, families, couples etc and they all have brought out amazing results science can't quite get an answer for. We all have the ability to telepathically send someone a message IF we are connected with that person and the relationship to them feels s a f e and is filled with mutual T r u s t and L o v e (family, friends, love relationships, anyone you feel somehow connected to and it feels goooooood). If those loving aspects aren't giving, telepathy doesn't work. You can't be a receiver of some Voodoo type of shit or so because this negative energy hits the sender like a boomerang. 


Telepathy- that's where those moments come from when we spend time with someone and one says something and it is the exact.same.thing you were thinking about or wanted to say. You don't even have to be in the same room or physically close. How often does it happen that we think of someone (let's say your mama) and the phone rings just in that moment and we know it's them (your mama) before we even look at the number? Or that we literally get a message on our phone from them? (mothers write the best messages don't they lmao) 


In african tribes when the hunters went out and they have hunted something successfully the men sent their wives telepathically a "message" what animal it is. Before they arrive at their tribe, the women have then prepared everything for cooking that exact animal. I am not making this up you can read this in depth in Rupert Sheldrake's "The Sense of Being Starred At And Other Aspects Of The Extended Mind".


Studies with couples have shown that if they are in separate rooms or even on different continents they are still able to exchange "sex fantasies" without talking. Just by thinking of a body part they'd kiss on their wo/man and the other one feels it right where the kiss is  intended to be. A Twinflame/Soulmate relationship would take telepathy to a whole different level or Déjà-vus....but more on that on another day. 


The same thing works with prayers. To me this is the most purest and loving form of letting your beloved Ones f e e l you l o v e them even if you two are a million miles apart. When you send out a prayer filled with your L O V E for them, they will telepathically in that moment FEEL the Love and THINK of you. 


I challenge you to send telepathically out LOVE to 3 people in your life you genuinely care for without expecting anything in return. See and feel what happens the next time you talk to them.....but I gotta go now, I need to send out some sweet laaaaaav, muahaha. I'll be back soon <3


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