
#3 But are you fluent in the language of Love tho?

You may think hell yes or hell no. Either way, you might didn't know that there are actually 5 Love languages. Are you ready to get to know all of them? I sincerely hope so, because we're about to diiiiiive in *insert trey songz voice*


first things first, right. Click the button to find out your Love language without being influenced which one of the five it may be. 

  • Quality time: spending time with the ones you love, giving and getting undivided attention from them. This means no phone and really spending the time with something meaningful to both of you.
  • Acts of Service: when someone helps you out with little or big things to make your life easier. They might do things for you that you don’t like doing. Might be they don’t even like it that much themselves, but because they love you they do it and make your life easier. Love is shown through action here, from opening doors open for you to finishing something in the household or a project you don’t like doing.
  • Physical Touch: this means all kinds of touches expect sexual touches (although it might lead to Sex, who knows) When someone hugs you, pulls you closer to them in public, strokes your hair, rubs your back when you had a long day, gives you a massage- that kind of touches.
  • Words of Affirmation: this includes everything you love hearing. When you get to hear how much you are loved and appreciated, smooth talk featuring a lot of compliments, everything that makes you feel loved from your beloved ones
  • Receiving Gifts: When they give you small and big gifts that show that they thought of you and got you something you love.


It is important that we know what is our Love language ( we all have one more strongly expressed and needed to feel loved than the others ones ) so we can communicate our wants and needs clearly. By doing that we give others a fair chance to meet our needs in a relationship instead of getting frustrated because they can't read our minds what we need to feel loved right now. When I use the word "need" I don't mean making them responsible for us feeling loved 24/7 ( since that's our own job, Love comes first from within) but rather it stands for that extra kick of feeling more Love.

Your Love language might be different than your beloved One, so get to know yours, theirs and alll the other ones. Pay in every relation you have attention to how the person you're interacting with shows Appreciation and Love towards you. Do they compliment you? Spend quality time with you? Make you thoughtful gifts? Hug you? Help you out?

You might also notice that there is one in particular you resist or others resist. By expanding that one, your ability to love will expand like crazy. In all the good "crazy in Love" kind of ways of course. 









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